Being the beginning of the year many of us have the desire of a fresh start, a new beginning. New beginnings are exciting, terrifying and everything in between. Often new things are changes that require us to let go of something, to make room for that something new. It is not easy to let go of things from the simplest to the more complicated letting go is hard. We hold on to things for as long as we can fearing of what the new may bring, without realizing that there really isn't nothing to fear.

With the new year, comes the opportunity of a fresh start and the confidence to let go of the things that are holding us back. One thing to keep in mind though is that somethings are worth holding on to in life and this post is a little guide of the do's and don't of what those are. 

letting go


Let go of doubt, when you doubt give opportunity to negative outcomes. Many times doubt blocks you from seeing the possibility of good in things, it creates realities that most of the time are not there. It is time to let go of it and trust yourself to know what is right.


Let go of who you are. With something new, opportunities to evolve as people come, we change all the time it is natural and bound to happen. When we start to let go of the essence of what makes us an individual is when the change is not right because as great as it is we can lose ourselves to it and we are all too worthy to lose.


Let go of anger. Yes anger is human nature and it is a reaction you can't control but staying angry isn't part of it. Most of the time we may think that anger is going to change things and that what we are mad about will some how change if we stay angry. The reality of it is that nothing can change and you are only harming yourself by losing your peace.


Let go of your dreams. This is a bit of a tricky one because one can argue that some dreams are worth letting go of which is completely valid. But I am talking about dreaming as a whole. Dreaming fills you and gives you a sense of life direction, even if you don't know where you are going dream and you will get there. Work for your dreams and don't let them just be that make them real, if one does not come true then dream another one but never stop.


Let go of perfection. The idea of wanting things perfect is an expectation that is most of the times not met. Wanting everything perfect blocks you from seeing other options in life and the beauty that can be found in the imperfections it has. When you let go of this idea the world seems different and all that much better, and are able to enjoy the new things that come with it.


Let go of your happiness. The things that makes us happy are all different to each individual, to some it may be various sources to others it may be one thing but whatever that is that makes you happy don't let go. When we have a bad day, when life gets tough, when some of our brains tell us that happiness is non existent, you have a reminder that it is real and that it shall pass to be united with it again.


Let go of mistakes. Mistakes and failure are bound with guilt and fear that don't let one move on. I'll let you in on a little secret we all make them and the only thing one can do is learn from them. By holding on to them you are never going to learn, letting go you give yourself the opportunity to try again for a different outcome.


Let go of hope. Hope is the last thing to die they say and while hope is alive, the possibilities of something better are endless. Holding on to hope is not easy at times but when it is the most  difficult it is there to bring a fresh start and a new chance of goodness to your life.


Let go of people. We humans are complicated sometimes we hold on to other humans who are not bringing any good to our lives. If someone makes you uncomfortable, unhappy, and doesn't really bring anything positive to your life why hold on to. Because we care about them yeah I have heard that before but you need to care for you too.  Also if you no longer feel the same for someone, your feelings are valid and don;t force yourself to feel or hold on to a feeling that is no longer there. It's okay to let go of humans too.


Let go of people.The complexity of humanity we need other humans to survive, let me reface that we need certain humans to live. The ones who are always there, the ones who make you laugh, the ones who inspire you, the ones that fill you with love, the ones you can go on adventures with, the ones who being with them is an adventure, the ones that give you peace, the ones that give you love, those are the ones worth holding on to.

Letting go is not easy just as holding on isn't either, for most of us these things wont be quick to happen but that is why this fresh start to the year is a new start for this journey. To some this will come easy to achieve for other it will take time,  but it is not a race what matters is that you get there in the end.
