College is hard.

I am on my third year of University, half way through the semester and I will say that I am finding it difficult to hold it together. This semester has been by far the most stressful, exhausting out of all, there are many days where I break down & just want give up. These last two weeks were midterms which meant a load of projects, essays, studying and exams. Most of my days were consumed by this, it wasn't a few minutes or two hours I am talking hours and hours that seem to not end. When I would be done, my brain was fried, I had no energy to do anything at all. The exhaustion, and not having time for the things I love gives me the feeling of just wanting to drop everything and not go on. But as much as I want to there is something that keeps me together and gives me the motivation to keep going. 


If it wasn't hard everyone would do it. It is the hard that makes it great. 

Yes, my parents are one of my main motivations for many reasons. both my parents went back to college got their bachelor's eventually masters and now they are both contemplating a doctorate. I was a witness of their hard work and achievement and living the reward of their hard work. Even better motivation is that they don't pressure me they are constantly reminding me of it, and that only assures me even more that I can finish this. 

Unfortunate Times

Never give up on a dream because of a time it will take to accomplish. 

I have been blessed in my life so far, it had not been perfect but apart from my anxiety I haven't had anything major that keeps me from attending school. There are people that can attend college because there are bigger things going on and education is the last thing on their list. Illness, finance, family, tragedy, and countless of situations we don't think about because we have't experienced. But many of them would do anything to be in the place I am and I want to be able to 
they don't have the right.

Global Education

If you change the way you look at things, you see change. - Dr. Wayne Dyer

I am one of the first to say that America doesn't have the best education system in the world, specially when compared to European countries, but it is pretty fortunate to most countries. There are many places in the world were education is simply does not exist, where because of your gender or religion you don't have the right to it. I think about these people because I am grateful for what I have and I hope that one day I am able to give back to these people and  share a piece of what I was given.


Your future is created by what you do today not tomorrow .

You have to do this for yourself, part of fining that motivation through College is keeping that dream and goal alive that got you the in the first place whatever it may be. One of the thing I tell myself is you have to be a better you now for future you. Right now it may seem like it is all too much but once you get through it and finish your future self will be thankful to you but the only thing that can keep you going is you.

If you really want to do something you'll find a way.

At the end of the day, i's not something I have to do, I want to do it. I have taken a break from it to know that its is something I want to peruse. College is also not for everyone and you shouldn't feel pressured to please or do it for the sake of anyone else.  If you do, keep going the reward is at the end and it will be worth it. 

All the best,