I'm back! It makes me so happy to be writing again, I know it hasn't been long but when it's something you love doing one day can seem like forever so a month is definitely a long time for me. There has been much going on the last couple of weeks, life has been crazy with a little bit of everything. Today I wanted to write a post telling you all that has happened and will be happening in the next couple of weeks. 


Early in March, I decided to take a break from blogging, as I write on my last post. At first, I felt guilty and frustrated for having to take a break from something I love, but this little break has thought me a few things. I am not able to do everything I want to at the moment but in the things, I need to do I have to make the most of them. Though at times stressful it was good to be able to work and learn about things I am passionate about I am proud of the academic work I've done and for the final projects coming this month I can only hope to be even more proud. With this, I also learned that knowing my human limits and not overwhelming myself is part of self-care and that no guilt should come from it as if I am good everything else will work out good. Self-care or self-love is something I have a hard time with but I am slowly understanding and even though it may not make sense to some people this little break was a big step for that in my life. 

Besides craziness of university, there is something very exciting that I can finally share with you all. It is also a big step in my life that I am still amazed at how it all happened and it is a blessing I can't be more grateful for. I am going to Europe this May!!! Yes, little old me is going on a three week Study Abroad program to Spain towards the end of next month. If you know a thing or two about me you would know that I have traveler's heart and I have always wanted to visit Europe and its finally happening. I am so happy how things have worked out and to have this opportunity. Besides the school work this is the major thing that I've been working on from booking flights, trains, and a whole lot of paper work, that will definitely be worth it. I can't wait to get to tell you a bit more about this in the coming weeks.

Online Favorites

There is always an opportunity to share a bit of appreciation and love for other bloggers, I am now going to include in my monthly diaries some of my favorites, from blog posts, bloggers, to social media from my fellow bloggers in hope that you can go give them some love and appreciate their hard work. 

I feel reenergized, motivated, inspired and happy to be able to put creativity back at work again, it truly is good to be back!

All the love from Texas,