It's November Eighth 2016.
Today is the Presidential Election.
I was not planning on writing anything about it, I had an entire different post going up today but this what is on my mind today. As a historian, well history enthusiast, today marks a very important day, no matter how it goes.
Why I voted?
Voting is something that has always known to be important I can I remember blurry memories of the 2000 election. As I have grown older, I understand even more the value and power of voting and how blessed I am to be able to vote. Being a woman minority, it is also a thank you to all those who fought and even died to give me this right. I want to be represented and I want for my voice to speak, for right now and the generations to come.
How do I feel?
All the feelings.
It is the first time I got to vote for President which is a very exciting, having that I missed the last one by a few months. Things have changed quite a lot in the last four years and it is reflected in this years campaign. I have been furious, disappointed, confused, terrified, hopeful, happy, excited and just everything in between. Yesterday, its when it hit me with the reality that no matter what I voted for something big is about to happen which just surfaced all the feelings at once.
A Part Of History
Today no matter where you are in the world or your nationality it seems to me that the entire world is watching. It is a Presidential Election, there have been about 56 elections all important yet this one has felt different from the beginning. There have already been record breaking in early voting polls, the build up that has been created through the campaign will come full term today and it will explode no matter how it goes and it's crazy that we will live through it.
In a couple of hours we will know. This was a short post just thought I share a bit of what is on my mind,. I might update it when we find out the results.
Vote if you haven't!
In God I Trust.