Happy Birthday to my blog! 
A year ago today I wrote my very first blog post, today November 2nd marks my first blogiversary. There are so many happy feelings at the moment that I am just too excited to write about what this journey has been for me. I remember when I got the idea for blogging was maybe two years or more ago, it seems like an impossibility.  There is so much that happens with time, many things change I certainly feel different but it has all been a growth and a journey I couldn't be more grateful and proud to have taken.

When I started blogging last year I had very little knowledge of what blogging was, I had an idea but I was nowhere near to what blogging actually is. I've learned a lot through within this year blogging is not easy, it takes time, dedication, love for it. It requires motivation, creativity and did I mention time. You got to connect branch out and meet new people, interact with readers, find your community within the blogosphere. You got to be genuine and original and write, write, write, write, write.

I made a few, (A LOT) of mistakes when it comes to blogging. Examples include, not posting on time, not sharing post then wondering about readership, terrible photography, not answering to comments( which I still have a hard time with, I will be having a poll question on twitter shortly about this), changing themes and ruining the entire blog, what even are titles, last minute posting, not having a clue what 'expert bloggers' are going on about, expecting viral growth. forgetting to publish when the post is ready, and the list goes on and on.

I am not ashamed of anything because getting into this mess has made me learn and get to experience at full force the beauty of blogging. Only making me fall in love with it and have a yearn for more of what blogging has brought to my life. I believe I have grown as a blogger, my post has definitely improved, there is still much room for more improvement but its a learning process and with time I will get there.   I feel the most me I have ever felt in my entire life, not only that but I am happy to be me. Being able to express myself through my blog has helped me grow in many personal levels that were one of my initial goals when starting my blog. It has allowed me to dream bigger and work hard for my dreams instead of waiting for them to happen.

One of the best things by far that blogging has brought to my life are people. As an introvert having any contact with other humans is not my forte but it has become me through which I can be social. It is still strange to me how I manage to do this online but I can't at all in real life. From a simple tweet, or tweet chat, or a like on Instagram, or reading my blog or each other's blogs, I have met some pretty amazing people, Crissy, Leta, Marc, NicoleTania, are among some of them. I do want to give a big thank you to the lovely Sara who has literally been there since the very first post and there are not enough words to explain how much her nonstop support means to me. A year ago I never imagine I would have friends from across the pond, and now I can only look forward to the day I finally get to meet them in person.

I can believe it's been an entire year since all this started, this journey has truly been one of the best experiences of my life, to think this is still only the beginning. Blogging makes me happy and has become a part of me that I can only keep exploring and expanding. I have ideas, I have plans, I have dreams for my blog I will keep going as long as someone out there is reading.

Thank you for reading my blog, whether it is your first time reading this, if you have been following a couple of times or a really long time thank you
(enough with the cheese).

Thank you all so much,