Okay, kind of had a little blogging meltdown this past weekend & the incident inspired this little post I am writing.
Lately, I see that there are many blogs that are just posting to post, many just for the views & clicks. This is something that I think is happening more than ever on the internet all over. Journalist, YouTubers, not everyone, but there are so many that will post just about anything for the views & forget about the importance of content. I am not saying that all topics I disagree with or dislike fall into this, what I am talking about is that you can tell when someone is lacking connection & enthusiasm to what they are publishing. I by no means have been guilty free of this in my past, but because I have been there & learn from it, I want to write content I can be proud of.
When I decided I wanted to continue writing my blog after the break I made a list of expectations & standards I had for it. I am not there yet but I am getting to where I want my blog to be. One of these expectations was to prepare blog posts & ideas ahead of time, which I have been doing, to have content I can be proud of. I know that there will be posts that won't get many reads, and I am okay with that because to me what I wrote is something that is importance to me.
This past week I had a post written to go up on Friday. I was editing & worked on it all week long but as much as I wanted to share it something didn't feel right. The photography, was bothering me I just couldn't find the right angles & lighting, I even tried finding stock photos but even then it just wasn't right. I always have extra posts in case this happens but as I was editing it just wasn't coming along. I have a few posts ready that are looking great for September, but because they are organized in a specific order, posting one early would change the time of things & I didn't want to mess with that. Friday passed, then came Saturday, I became so frustrated, anxious & pressured to post something, anything, I was about to publish the post as is was. Then I stop myself right on time, I shouldn't publish something that I don't feel right with.
I want to write things that I can go back to read & be happy about them. That is why I have learned that it is okay to skip a post or two, in the end, you will probably agree that your blog id better of without it. Who knows maybe with time that the same post will be better fitting in the future. The person who should care the most about your blog is you. If you enjoy what you write & have fun with, people reading it will too.There are some great bloggers out there that I love to read because they pour that love for what they write in their blogs & their words never fail to put a smile on my face.
That is why whatever we are writing about, food, fashion, beauty, sports, pop culture, books, or life in general people should be able to enjoy & connect with it, but in the end you should be able to look back at it & feel proud of what you have put up there.
Do you think to be proud of your work matters? Are you proud of your blog? What are some things you want to work with? What are the posts are you most proud of?