Welcome back to The College Diaries, if you are new to this I had an idea to begin a blog series about college. I want to use this to express whatever thoughts and feelings I am having about college each month. I could say that it's purpose is to write about the college experience in hope to be of helpful advice but I don't know if it is or not. The honest truth is that I get to rant and let out whatever I am feeling at the moment, all the ups and downs and truths about the college life.
It's officially a month with the spring semester and I am somehow alive and well! I am happy to say that so far its all been great. I was right about my professors not only do they know what they are talking about they are pretty cool and they make everyone feel welcome. For someone who is socially awkward and anxious having professors create a safe environment in the classroom is the key to how well I can do in the class. That alone has been such a weight taken off that, I can go class and focus on the learning and work more than the people around me.
Just because it has not been stressful, it doesn't mean that it hasn't been busy. This month it has been a lot of reading, for all my classes, very interesting just time-consuming. With reading comes writing which until now there have only been a couple of assignments but nothing major, but they are on their way. I think that is what is making this semester sort of strange, is that the grades will be based on major projects instead of exams or quizzes which are what I am used to but trust me I am not complaining.
It does sound like it's been all sunshine and rainbows but the storm is about to come in two weeks, there is no doubt that March will be a difficult month, I will have to write a ten-page research paper for one class and a seven-page one for the other, wich means lots and lost of time and energy. The thing that I look forward to the two projects it's that with both I chose what I will be writing on and they are the climaxes of the semester, the rest will be minor written projects. Of course, this is all positive thinking and we will not know until that time comes so look forward to reading the next posts in this series!
Lastly, I might have done something crazy, that has to do with college and it is almost 85% going to happen! Until it's official I will let you know what it is, all I can say its completely out of my comfort zone and I may or may not be freaking out. I can wait to tell you what might happen! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you are having a lovely week!