About a week ago I was blessed to have been a witness to one on the wonders of life, the birth of a child. My cousin, who is like a sister to me, gave birth to a baby girl early Friday morning and I was able to be present to see my little niece be born. I could't go long without writing and sharing this experience with you all. 

Early summer of last year, I found out that there was a little blessing on the way when my cousin was expecting. My first thoughts were of joy and excitement, I knew in my heart that the little bean growing would bring much of that to my cousin. From that moment it was all prayers and love to the little one. A few months later I found out that the little bundle was a girl, I was so excited to be able to address her. I know that it may sound similar to the thoughts of a mother but by cousin is important to me, I knew the baby would be too. 


On Thursday late at night, my sister and I got a message that my cousin was at the hospital already in labor. Without a second thought we dropped everything and headed to the hospital. I had the opportunity to go in the room with her, as her contractions were becoming stronger. Because we didn't know how long my aunt could stay, I stayed with her and my sister went back home. My cousin was already dilating ten, all that was left to do was wait for the water to break. We both took a nap and around 3:30 AM the water finally broke. Meanwhile, her doctor was in another delivery, and there was more waiting. It was good because that gave time for my cousin to decide the name as she was still between two. The nurses came in to get my cousin started crowning for when the doctor arrived. It didn't take long for the doctor to get there and at 5:00 AM, my little niece was born.

She was finally here! She came out the womb along with her poop. It was one of the funniest things I've had the pleasure of witnessing. She ate and as the doctor and nurses cleaned and finished procedure. It took only my cousin to see her to know what her name would be, and fun fact we have the same initials! Then they left, leaving my cousin and niece for skin to skin contact which I have learned to value the beauty and importance of it.  Later they came to do all the measurements and check the baby, more thorough. Not long after I was able to hold her.

Holding a tiny human who you have seen with your own eyes come out, is one of the strangest (in the best way possible) things I have ever experience. 

The following hours were all about nurses coming in and out, feeding both my cousin and the baby. falling asleep and waking up, checking and making sure everything was alright and just be there. That is what I did for 25+ hours just be there. I was a personal assistant/photographer/moral support/anything they needed me to be. To say I was sleep deprived and hungry would be an understatement, but to say it was worth it would be too. Every minute there was more than worth, when you do things for the ones you love it is there is more of what you receive that what you think you give. 

I look forward to see her grow, to love her and be there for her along the way. You might see more posts of Miss Poops-A-Lot as I like to call her, I hope you enjoyed this story as it means much to me.

All love,