"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile. "
Hello there lovely humans!
Lately I have been reflecting a lot about life. Spring brings the birth of many beautiful things, flowers, animals, even us humans. I have many loved ones who have birthdays around this time, my own just around the corner. Life is a beautiful thing, even in the darkest times we can find something to makes us appreciate it.
There are many great outcomes from a simple smile not just personally, you never know when your smile is what someone else might need. We all need to smile & today I am sharing with you some reasons to smile for when we need it or just for the wonder sake of it.
1. a baby's laugh
2. family
3. breathing
4. rays of sunshine
5. rain
6. flowers
7. ocean
8. movies
9. dreams
10. puppies
11. stars
12. baths
13. friends
14. food
15. reading
16. internet
17. music
18. chocolate
19. dancing
2. family
3. breathing
4. rays of sunshine
5. rain
6. flowers
7. ocean
8. movies
9. dreams
10. puppies
11. stars
12. baths
13. friends
14. food
15. reading
16. internet
17. music
18. chocolate
19. dancing
20. tea
21. photography
These are just some of the many little things that always can bring a smile to my face even when it sis hard to find a reason. What makes you smile? How has a smile impacted your life? I hope you are smiling right now & have a wonderful day.