Hello there everyone!
One of my favorite things we are blessed with in this planet is rain. I love the rain, for many reasons but most importantly that I can almost always be guaranteed it will be a good day. In many places around the world, April is the month of most rain, there is even an old saying "April showers bring May flowers". It doesn't rain much where I live but last week there was a couple of rainy days that I loved. 

Rain is something that you either hate it or you love it. Rain is also associated with sadness most of the time that can lead to a negative connotation. Rain, to me, is one of the best things our planet gives us; it waters life & flows with the circle of life, it provides a cool fresh environment when it gets to hot, & it would be quite boring with only sunshine. There is the same amount of life in rain as there is in sunlight, people seem to forget.

Rain has a thing to make me feel at ease with myself & the world. This week that rained I really enjoyed them but I wasn't able to do some of the things I love on a rainy day. Here in Texas our rainy months are not until July - August, so it might be sometime to be able to take that fully rainy day. Meanwhile I wait for some showers, these are some of the things I love about rain:

*reading a book
*coffee & tea
*the sound 
*the smell
*cozy blanket
* warm food

Even if I don't get to experience any of these, the simple fact that it rain makes me happy. I know that many of you have been experiencing rain quite a lot recently, some of you all year round. What do you all like to do to enjoy it? Do you even enjoy it? 

Rainy or not have a wonderful Sunday.

With Love, Celeste
