A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from change the world to simply share your shopping list. - Anonymous

We are coming to the close of anther year, looking back this year has been filled with both good and bad that I will never forget, but I will leave all that talk for my next post. One of the best things in my life this year has been blogging and not just my own blog but the blogging community in general. Sometimes originality is hard in the online world and it can be quite repetitive but there are some amazing content creators that I would love to acknowledge. I have also had the opportunity to have become friends with many of them and there is nothing better than to be inspired and motivated by friends.  Today I wanted to take sometime to write about all my favorite blog things from posts, series, bloggers and online madness. The following highlights are completely my opinion and for me these are best of the best of 2016. 

Favorite Blog Posts

Why My Acne Doesn't Define Me by Thrifty Vintage Fashion
It is not easy to talk about one's insecurities specially when it has been a struggle. This post is beautifully written and you can feel that Nicole pour her heart on this. I was moved by her story and made me want to fall in love with my own insecurity. Acne is not something that everyone talks about and how I wished my younger self would have read this it is truly powerful.

On Love & Relationships by Sara's Chapters
This is a fairly recent post, and there is no surprise that one of Sara's post would be on my favorites. The reason I chose this one is because I know how scared she was to write and publish this. It is very personal yet I can relate to every word. It makes me happy that there is someone out there who understands my and take on this subject specially when there are many of us who can relate but is not much talked about. Sara like her other writing wrote a wonderful piece and expressed it all perfectly that I couldn't be more proud and please that she did it.

Why I Blog About Mental Health by Bugger All
I have had the blessing to have met Marc, this year and although he himself fights a battle he brings calm, support, happiness through his words. Through his blog post I get a understanding of what it is like to live with a mental disorder and the power it has to speak about it. In this posts, he gives an insight explaining why he shares about mental health and the importance of it.

Which Tea Which Mood? by Poppy Deyes
When I first read this, I though it to be so creative and on e of the best posts out there. I love tea and I drink a different type depending on my mood all the time, why didn't I ever think about writing that. Besides agreeing with Poppy's advice on tea it made me feel all warm and cozy and ready to have a cup of tea, just remembering now I want to have one.

Anxiety - The Update by Zoella
I have been subscribed to Zoe for some years now and one of the very first videos I watched of hers was Dealing With Panic Attacks & Anxiety. It was one of the first times I saw someone be open about something I related to and impacted me quite a lot that I tend to watch it back from time to time. On this post she writes about her progress with anxiety in the last years since that video and it is quite beautiful to read about her growth and tackling mental health.

My 10 Tips To Get Through A Bad Day by Tanya Burr
Some of my favorite posts  to read are feel good posts, tips and advice it is always good to read of what makes others happy. This post Tanya guides you through steps on things you can do through get through a bad day. I believe I read this when I was having a not so good day myself and just reading it made me feel better, but even now and then some of this things read come to mind when I am feeling overwhelmed or want to change the course of a bad day.

My Love Hate Relationship With High Heels by The Nerdy Me
I love Leta's writing and original content. This post was refreshing and made me laugh at the silly truth about heels. It is always strange to me, in a good way, when I read things that are my exact thoughts and this is what this post was. I have a very strong love hate relationship with heels and this post said it all.

Blog Series

Emma's Hen Party  by Tania Michele
This is not a continuing series, but it sort of was as it was three posts. It was one of my favorite because of many reasons. I love all things wedding and a bachelorette celebration is no exception, I had no idea that Brits called it a hen party and it came to a surprise to me when I first started reading. It was so much fun to read that it was almost like being there. After reading I was happy to find that there is a vlog up on Tania's channel all about it.

Being An Introvert by Sara's Chapters
There is no doubt that this was going to make it into my favorites, I love this series way too much. In the last years I have come to terms with accepting this part of myself. Being able to read about other introverts and the things we think, do, feel, is comforting. The posts in this series are in tune with my own thoughts and experiences written eloquently that showcase introversion at is finest.

A Little Bit of Motivspivation by The Nerdy Me
This blog series is very special and a definite must read. The posts are thought provoking and like the name give you a bit of motivation and inspiration on all things life. What makes these posts great is that they are raw and nothing is sugar coated yet the words make n impact to the reader leaving you with a fresh new thinking.


Jemma has been one of my favorite bloggers, ever since I started blogging. I admired her and her work and I have learned much thanks to her whether she knows it or not. We have only talked maybe here and there on twitter and she has been nothing but nice and supportive. Her blog is true to her name as it is a gem, full of colors and life, her content is just as as great.

Sara's Chapters
I will forever be thankful to Sara for leaving a comment o my very first blog post because I found hers. She is an amazing writer and whatever she publishes is worth a read. This blog inspires me, makes me happy and has become of great importance in my life, We are similar in many ways I am blessed that by reading her blog I have made a new friend.

The Nerdy Me
This blog is on it's way to even bigger and greater things. It is one of the first blogs I came across with and I always am amazed by the creativity and genuine work of Leta. Her words have inspired me, made me laugh and she too I feel blessed to call is a friend.

Tania Michele
It makes me happy. Tania's blog makes me happy every time I read it, there is something always new and it is very personal. She gives great reviews and I trust her judgement. I don't think I have ever told her this but her blog reminds me of the old school Louise Pentland and Hazel Hayes and to me that is a beautiful combination.

Poppy Deyes
The thing I love the most about this blog is that it is original and genuine, the content is great and the aesthetic is just the cherry on top. I admire her work and that despite having people close to her, she has made her blog her own and you can tell that she puts herself in the posts and works on them to be original.

This has been one of my favorite posts to write and also one of the most difficult. Trying to pick a favorite is hard when I've loved so many. There are many posts, blogs I have left out that I wanted to include but the list would be endless. That is why I wanted to take some time to thank and recognize you reading this, you blogger out there big or small, you are amazing. The blogging world is made up of us all regardless of what we blog about how many reads we have we are all a part of it. The blogosphere keeps getting bigger everyday but instead of tension and competitiveness growing with it there should be more love and support for one another because any little thing we write is a part of something great. To any blogger out there good job on your work this year, and best wishes on the following, keep writing away. 

All love,