December is here everyone! I admit I have awaited its arrival for a long time from many reasons that I am extremely happy to finally be able to know its here. One, I end the semester in a week which means no stress, freedom, and relaxation. Another reason has to do with a little fact that, IT'S THE HOLIDAYS! Yes, I know cliche but it truly is my favorite me of year and I am all jollied up to make the most of it.
Today, I wanted to write something inspired my the oh so brilliant Leta, from The Nerdy Me. If you read her blog you would know about a series she has where she writes about her monthly goals and plans I know that there are many other bloggers who do it, I just happen to like her take on it. This month is I am getting back what I so desired which is time and I have loads of things I would love to accomplish before the end of the year.
Posts 15 blog posts for the month - One of the thing I am looking forward to this month is blogging, I have many ideas, I might already have written a few, that I can't wait to share. I really wanted to do blogmas but sadly I didn't have enough time to prepare so I won't be doing blogmas but I am going to try to post 12 post up to Christmas. If I am able to accomplish writing all fifteen posts, and i have done my math correctly I would reach mt 100th blog post.
Be more active - Interaction is something important when it comes to blogging and it is not that I feel force to but I enjoy it. I want to be more active online than what I've been in the past weeks but that doesn't been I will be on all the time. I want to be able to answer to comments quicker, read others blog post more frequently, comment on theirs, enjoy all the crazy fun on social media, and get to know more bloggers.
Rest - After the semester I've had I want to enjoy this time off and rest from the stress. I will be taking my last exam next Friday and life will be once more. Time to watch movies, TV shows, YouTube, and just relax.
Finish reading Cursed Child - At the moment I feel like the worst Potterhead in the entire universe. I have yet to see Fantastic Beasts and finish reading the script for Cursed Child. TIME, I tell you! These are things that I want to enjoy fully so I have been waiting for this month to arrive to finally check them off my list. I did read half of it and I am loving it but i got to finish it.
See friends - I don't see my friends as often as I wish. I don't have many for starters which makes them even that much special. This month I really want to meet up and catch up with them and just share the love and comfort of the holidays with people I care about.
12th - Wisdom Teeth Removal- Talk about resting...whether I want to or not I am sort of being forced to rest as I will be getting my two other wisdom teeth out. I am not scared but I am dreading the pain, it is not fun. All I am hoping is that I can eat y Christmas week.
17th - Baby Shower - I am very much looking forward to this. My cousin, who is like a sister, is expecting a little baby girl and I am so happy and excited for her arrival, Baby showers are a celebration of life and loving this baby so much already makes me feel all sorts of happy.
22nd - Little Brother's Birthday - Okay he is not that little, he is turning 16 and is taller than me but in my eyes he will always be my baby brother. (He is going to hate I wrote that). My brother and I are very similar when it comes to birthdays or celebrations that we don't like anything big but we still like a little adventure with the family. There is still not an official plan but I know that it is going to be fun.
24th - Best Friend's Birthday - We don't celebrate her birthday the day of because it is Christmas Eve and we are with our families but we find a date before or after to have a time to celebrate. I love this lady more that she will ever know and any time we are together becomes this adventure of laughter and fun, I can wait to celebrate her.
Of course there are all the holiday festivities in plans but there will be future posts all about them in the weeks to come.
What are you up to this month?
Wishing you all a very merry December!