There is something special about this time of year that I just can't help but embrace the love for the season. There are many things going on and everyone just seems happier, it is hard not to smile back at the joy. I am aware that not everyone celebrates Christmas or another holidays this time of year, and that we celebrate them differently around the world with our own cultural twists. This time of year is important to me and it brings me much joy, today I wanted to write my favorite things about the holiday season. 

Raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...

Carols & Music - It sets the mood for the holiday. You can hear them anywhere and just something about singing along to them at any given time makes me happy. 

Lights - Yes, Stranger Things might have given them a slightly freaky feeling to them. Even then, the twinkling lights are beautiful and are the visual of the season.  

Happy People - Like I mentioned everyone is so happy, well almost there are a few Grinches and Scrooges nonetheless people seem to be smiling and laughing more that is enough hope for humanity. 

Cold & Snow - This makes me feel guilty because I know there are many people who suffer from the cold, but I love it. It makes me feel happy, energized and like I can do a million things. ( I am not normal...)

Classic Christmas Films - There is nothing like watching all the classics, Home Alone, Santa Clause, Elf, The Polar Express, The Last Holiday,A Christmas Carol, etc...

Cookies & Treats - I have a sweet tooth, which is a blessing to the palate and a curse to my teeth. During this time there seems to be so much to choose from and it is a little taste of heaven. I am eating a truffle as I am writing this haha the coincidence. 

Food - Wherever you celebrate the season and depending on your culture there is much food to choose from. Because of the cold weather, I love warm soups, my favorite is a traditional Mexican one called pozole. Yummy!

Holiday Sales - I am not the best when it comes to shopping during the holidays because too many people can be overwhelming but when there are sales the anxiety is worth it.(most of the times)

Hot Cocoa - I am a chocoholic, hot chocolate is probably a gift sent from God. You can drinking it at anytime of the day inside or outside and it goes with any food, mood, or activity. 

Family -  I love my family. We all love this time of year which makes for crazy times, but getting to see my extended family during this time makes it all even more crazy and fun. 

Decorations - Part of being the visual of the feeling of this time. Decorations make everything better, from soft to bold they make everything festive

Charity - I don't know if it is because people are happier, or guilt, or just simple kindness but this time of year people remember those who are less fortunate and give to them. Though I believe it to be important always it makes me happy that more people are being helped. 

Beanies & Scarfs - I love sweater weather fashion, scarfs and besides looking hella festive, they keep you warm and cozy and are brilliant inventions. 

What is School? -  I thing this may be the sole reason to why everyone is happy. Totally kidding but it is the holiday season for a reason and people having days off from school and work is more than earned. 

Blankets - Staying cozy in the cold weather is essential or if you are being plain out lazy, blankets are a best friends to keep around with you. 

Fire Place - Again it helps keep warm and add to the felling of the holidays, giving the glow and aesthetic. 

Presents - I appreciate receiving gifts because I truly believe is the thought of it that means the most yet I still find a hard time opening them because it is awkward. What i do love is giving them and wrapping them it helps my creative flow and is very calming to me. 

Blogmas & Vlogmas - I love reading through blogmas posts, it is great to see others perspective of the holidays. I love vlogmas for the same reason, my only problem is choosing which ones t see because then it can take my entire day having that the majority are at least 20 minutes long, but boy are they worth it. 

Scents - The smell of Christmas! I don't know if it is just me but during this time of year I think that there are just so many smells that can describe Christmas. From cinnamon, to pine, to Christmas cookies to everything in between. 

Brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things...

What are you favorite things about the season? Is there anything you dislike?